
WeChat Requirements for Friend Login Doesn’t Work

Unfortunately, WeChat friend login system causing many troubles to their users with no reason. We got a question from one of our visitors recently. Another WeChat user account which eligible to verify an account can’t verify her account on the app. Wechat requirements for friend login doesn’t work at all. You can find the exact question of the user below…

Hello, we are expats from Germany in China and WeChat worked well until a few days ago. The only thing I changed on my Iphone was the region (of the phone) and the linked card. I set it to China and I have a Chinese bank account. I had to do this for a different reason. Now not even my husband with his WeChat account can unlock the account. He qualifies in all points described in the text and I don’t understand why he cannot verify me. We most certainly did not chat to anyone suspicious or exceedingly. Only in our WeChat expat group.

Operating System:  IOS
Application/Website Name:  WeChat
Device Brand:  iPhone 6s
Tags:  WeChat Requirements for Friend Login Doesn’t Work

This problem occurs poorly documentation of WeChat about WeChat assistant verification and current location mess on your device. We will try provide solutions for this issue as much as we can.

WeChat Requirements for Friend Login Doesn’t Work, How to Fix?

Firstly I am sorry that we can’t help this issue about directly… Since there is not any technical solution for this. This is something  like a bug which people are facing about 2 years. We believe that WeChat should remove the current verification system or current requirements for reactivate an account. It is a huge problem for the market of the application in regions like Europe and North America.

Firstly I recommend you to contact WeChat and hope the best. Hope the best because WeChat doesn’t really responds questions that fast. It is unknown when they will respond to you. If you know Chinese language, it is possible that you can get a response from WeChat sooner, you can also go to Chinese contact page: https://help.wechat.com/cgi-bin/newreadtemplate?t=help_center/feedback_form&lang=zh_TW&plat=android&Channel=helpcenter

Location Problem in WeChat Friend Login

If your region and your husband’s region doesn’t match, help friend login doesn’t work at all. We wanted to help someone who has similar problems like you in our unofficial support recently. However while we were eligible to verify the account, we couldn’t manage to do that. In  the documentation of WeChat, it tells that any other user can verify your account. Unfortunately, it is not simple like that. There are other hidden requirements on the app.

There are some other requirements which WeChat doesn’t mention on the help files. There are other Wechat requirements for friend login which are related with account location. You can easily understand the situation with the phone region of your husband. If his phone’s region is Germany, you will need someone from China to verify your account. If it is China, you will need someone from Germany to verify the account. It is really pain, right? It is… WeChat is really shiny application but they are losing too much users because of their current verification system.

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